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Showing results 10427 to 10446 of 20201
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Koronavirüs, El Hijyeni, Korku, Hemşire
Korona Virüs Salgını
Koroner Anjiyografi
Koroner Arter Bypass Greft
Koroner Arter Hastalığı
Koroner Ünitesi
Koroner Yoğun Bakım
Korovkin Type Approximation Theorem
Korovkin type theorem, Bernstein type rational functions, Bleimann, Butzer and Hahn operators
Korovkin-type theorems, Mathematics, general, POLYNOMIALS, APPROXIMATION PROPERTIES, Modulus of continuity, Q-Bernstein operators
Kor Stabilizasyon
Köşe yazıları
Kosovo-Politics and government-Autonomy and independence movements-Self Determination
Kosovo (Serbia) - Politics and Government
Kovid-19, Çinko, Duygusal Yeme, Depresyon, Diyet Kalitesi
KPSS, Sınav Kaygısı, Okul Tükenmişliği, Psikolojik Sağlamlık
Kredi riski
Kredi Riski
Showing results 10427 to 10446 of 20201
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