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Showing results 10587 to 10606 of 20201
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Land use - cover changes, urban, suburban, population, social amenities
Land use - Environmental aspects - Global environmental change - Landscape change - Environmental aspects
Land Use Policies Urban Regeneration Sustainable Development Brownfield Nicosia
Land use, Urban
Land Use, Urban - Chitecture and Design - Nicosia (Cyprus)
Lane detection
lane gravitational and scalar waves
lane tracking
Language acquisition
Language and Culture - Teaching - Teachers' Perceptions - Cyprus, North
Language and Education
Language and languages
Language and languages--English Language--Study and teaching--Psychological aspects--Anxiety--Language and emotions
Language and languages-Gender differences
Language and languages - Study and teaching - Learner autonomy - Second language acquisition
Language and Languages - Study and teaching - Psychological aspects.
Language and languages - Study and teaching - Psychological aspects - Anxiety - Language and emotions
Language and languages-Study and teaching-Psychological aspects-Anxiety-Language and emotions
Showing results 10587 to 10606 of 20201
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