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Showing results 6666 to 6685 of 20201
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Facades--Design and construction--Tehran (Iran)
Façade Technology
face biometrics
Facebook and real and virtual life
Facebook (Electronic resource)
Facebook, Interpersonal Communication, Socialization and Loneliness
Facebook, Interpersonal Communication, Socialization, Interpersonal relations
Facebook Like Pages
Facebook pages
Facebook Reklamları
Facebook'un bırleçtirici gücü
face - centered cubic grid
Face Detection, Face Recognition, Viola-Jones Algorithm, Attendance Management Systems, Pre-Processing, Egin Face, Automatic Attendance System
Face Detection, Object Tracking, Facial Feature Extraction, Haar Classifier, Kalman Filter
Face detection system
Face recognition
face recognition
Face Recognition
Face Recognition (Computer science)
Showing results 6666 to 6685 of 20201
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