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Showing results 7486 to 7505 of 20201
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Fuzzy compositions
fuzzy control
fuzzy decision fusion
Fuzzy decision making
Fuzzy Entropy
Fuzzy extended analytic hierarchy process
Fuzzy FMEA
Fuzzy graph
Fuzzy graphs
fuzzy logic
Fuzzy logic
Fuzzy Logic
Fuzzy logic.
Fuzzy Logic and Sets, Uncertainty, Generalized and Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets, Mamdani and Sugeno Type-2 Fuzzy Systems
Fuzzy logic - Engineering Mathematics
Fuzzy Logic--Fuzzy Mathematics
Fuzzy Logic, Game Theory, Fuzzy Cooperative and Non-Cooperative Games, Fuzzy Mixed Strategy, Fuzzy Dominant Strategy, Fuzzy Nash Equilibrium
Fuzzy Logic - Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms - Vehicle Routing Problems
Fuzzy Logic - Steering System - Programmable Logic Control (PLC)
Showing results 7486 to 7505 of 20201
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