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Title: Evaluating the appropriateness of double skin glass facade system, within the context of sustainability, for North Cyprus (TRNC)
Authors: Pakishan, Samaneh
Keywords: Glass construction
Architecture, Modern
Sustainability - Sustainable Glass Facade System - Double Skin Glass Facade System - Glazed Curtain Wall System - North Cyprus
Issue Date: Jan-2011
Publisher: Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU)
Citation: Pakishan, Samaneh. (2011). Evaluating the appropriateness of double skin glass facade system, within the context of sustainability, for North Cyprus (TRNC). Thesis (M.S.), Eastern Mediterranean University, Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, Dept. of Architecture, Famagusta: North Cyprus.
Abstract: ABSTRACT: The current study aimed to investigate the appropriateness of Double Skin Glass Facade (DSGF) systems for Large Scaled Glazed Facade Commercial and Office Buildings (LSGFCOB), within the context of sustainability for North Cyprus (NC), since there are no DSGF systems in NC. To accomplish this aim, observation of 15 LSGFCOB (having more than 120m GF), were analyzed according to the types of glazed facade system, facade‟s orientation, construction cost per m2, shading device and ventilation system. Secondly, perceptions of 23 stakeholders, in construction sectors as well as educational sector, regarding DSGF systems and sustainability in GF systems as well as existing reasons of not using DSGF systems for LSGFCOB in NC, were identified. The major research techniques used in this study were in the form of semi-structured interviews, based on quantitative method, and personal observations, based on descriptive methodology, with the application of qualitative data analysis. In order to gather information about the existing LSGFCOB in NC, visual data were collected (photographs of 15 analyzed buildings). In addition, the stakeholders of the buildings were interviewed in order to collect further information of the glazed facade systems. Interviews were conducted also to find out the knowledge and opinions of the stakeholders about the advantages and disadvantages of using DSGF system as well as their future strategies and expectations, for using these systems, from the governmental authorities in construction sectors in NC. The study concluded that, since there is not enough client demand, mainly because of the high cost in the market for DSGF systems to be used in LSGFCOB, there is a barrier to develop the sector which will apply these kinds of DSGF systems in NC. It is most likely that in the nearest future, due to the high cost and customer demand in the market, DSGF systems might not be sustainable to be applied in LSGFCOB in NC. For now, it can be recommended to use proper shading devices, in appropriate direction where it is needed, with careful design and selection of appropriate materials for existing LSGFCOB. On the whole, there is a need of government to encourage the society, customers and stakeholders to use these systems for backing the worldwide demand of Sustainable Construction and Development. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ÖZ: Kuzey Kıbrıs (NC) için sürdürülebilirlik bağlamında Çift Cilt Cam Cephe (DSGF) Büyük Ölçekli Sırlı Cephe Ticari ve Ofis Binaları (LSGFCOB) için sistemlerinin uygunluğu araştırıldı çalışmada, ) Bütün olarak bakıldığında, toplum, müşteriler ve paydaşlar Sürdürülebilir İnşaat ve Kalkınma dünya çapında talep destek için bu sistemleri kullanmaya teşvik etmek için hükümet bir ihtiyaç vardır. NC hiçbir DSGF sistemleri olmadığından. (Fazla 120 GF olan) 15 LSGFCOB gözlenmesi Bu amaçla gerçekleştirmek için, camlı cephe sistemi, cephe oryantasyon, m2 başına inşaat maliyeti, gereçlerin ve havalandırma sistemi türlerine göre analiz edildi. Ikinci olarak, inşaat sektöründe 23 paydaşların algılamaları gibi eğitim sektöründe, ilgili DSGF sistemleri ve GF sistemlerde sürdürülebilirlik yanı sıra NC LSGFCOB için DSGF sistemleri kullanarak değil mevcut nedenleri, tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada kullanılan başlıca araştırma teknikleri nitel veri analizi uygulaması ile, açıklayıcı metodolojisine dayalı kantitatif yöntemine dayalı yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu ve kişisel gözlemler vardı. NC mevcut LSGFCOB hakkında bilgi toplamak amacıyla, görsel veri (15 analiz binaların fotoğrafları) toplanmıştır. Ayrıca, binaların paydaşların camlı cephe sistemleri hakkında daha fazla bilgi toplamak amacıyla görüşme yapıldı. Görüşmeler NC bilgi ve avantajları hakkında paydaşların görüş ve dezavantajları inşaat sektörlerinde hükümet yetkililerinden, bu sistemleri kullanarak, DSGF sisteminin yanı sıra gelecekteki stratejilerini ve beklentilerini kullanarak öğrenmek için de yapılmıştır.
Description: Master of Science in Architecture. Thesis (M.Arch.)--Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Architecture, Dept. of Architecture, 2011. Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Ercan Hoşkara.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11129/1270
Appears in Collections:Theses (Master's and Ph.D) – Architecture

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