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Title: The effect of sand gradation on the hydro-mechanical characteristics of sand-bentonite mixtures as buffer material
Authors: Ghadr, Soheil
Keywords: Soil Mechanics
Compacted Sand-Bentonite Mixtures - Hydro Mechanical Properties - Waste Containers - Landfills
Issue Date: Jan-2013
Publisher: Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU)
Citation: Ghadr, Soheil. (2013). The effect of sand gradation on the hydro-mechanical characteristics of sand-bentonite mixtures as buffer material. Thesis (M.S.), Eastern Mediterranean University, Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Famagusta: North Cyprus.
Abstract: ABSTRACT: Municipal solid waste produces gas, heat and leachate in landfill repository systems. In radioactive waste disposals, radionuclide wastes raise the temperature around the containers as well as applying high pressures on waste barriers which create mechanical stresses that have made them subject to research for determination of hydro-mechanical properties, which are as essential as the thermal properties. In this thesis, the findings of a study on hydro-mechanical characteristics of compacted sand-bentonite mixtures are presented, which are among the materials recommended to be used as hazardous waste container and barrier materials for landfills as a liner. Mixtures of bentonite with two different types of sand in two different proportions of bentonite (15%-25%) have been studied. The experimental work achieved to assess the characteristics of these mixtures consists of compaction tests, unconfined compression tests, one-dimensional swell-consolidation tests, shrinkage tests and determination of soil-water characteristic curves by suction measurements. The experimental data obtained in this research study conclude that with increasing bentonite content in mixtures, swelling pressures increased and cracking appeared in samples upon shrinkage, which made the structures unstable. On the other hand saturated hydraulic conductivity and unconfined compressive strength characteristics of mixtures were improved. The changes in hydro-mechanical performance due to various specimen combinations were considered and discussed based on the suction components of soil mixture. At the end, it was concluded that the compacted crushed limestone sand-bentonite mixture with 15% bentonite content could be a feasible mixture in waste containers as a buffer material which can be considered in future. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ÖZ: Bu tez çalışmasında zehirli atıkların depolanmasında ve atık depolama sistemlerinde kullanılması öngörülen malzemeler arasında olan sıkıştırılmış kum-bentonit karışımlarının hidro-mekanik davranışının deneysel bulguları sunulmuştur. İki farklı kum türü (deniz ve dağ kumu) ve gradasyonu (SP ve SW) ile iki farklı bentonit miktarının karışımları çalışılmıştır. Bu karışımların karakteristiklerinin değerlendirilmesi için yapılan deneysel çalışma, kompaksiyon deneyleri, serbest basınç deneyleri, tek eksenli şişme-konsolidasyon deneyleri, büzülme deneyleri ve zemin-su karakteristik eğrisini elde etmek için gerekli emme basıncı deneylerinden oluşur. Çalışmadan elde edilen deneysel bulgular göstermiştir ki bentonit miktarı artarken şişme basıncı artmıştır, kurumada ise numuneler üzerinde çatlaklar oluşmuştur, dolayısıyla strüktür bozukluklarına neden olmuştur. Diğer taraftan ise suya doygun halde hidrolik iletkenlikle serbest basınç mukavemetinde iyileşme gözlemlenmiştir. Farklı karışımlardan dolayı oluşan hidromekanik davranışdaki değişimler emme basıncına bağlı olarak irdelenmiş ve değerlendirilmiştr. Sonuç olarak, katı atık depolama sistemlerinde kullanılması en uygun karışım olarak sıkıştırılmış dağ kumu- 15% bentonit karışımının olduğu kanaatine varılmıştır.
Description: Master of Science in Civil Engineering. Thesis (M.S.)--Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Civil Engineering, 2013. Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Huriye Bilsel.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11129/1276
Appears in Collections:Theses (Master's and Ph.D) – Civil Engineering

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