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Theses (Master's and Ph.D) – Business and Economics >
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Title: | Comparison of macroeconomic performance and volatility in Kenya, Rwanda and Ethiopia: Time series evidence |
Authors: | Wanjau, Antony Kimondo |
Keywords: | Business Administration Macroeconomics Economic Policy - Economic Conditions - Kenya - Rwanda - Ethiopia Macroeconomic Performance, Macroeconomic Volatility, Comparative Analysis |
Issue Date: | Jul-2013 |
Citation: | Wanjau, Antony Kimondo. (2013). Comparison of macroeconomic performance and volatility in Kenya, Rwanda and Ethiopia: Time series evidence. Thesis (M.B.A.), Eastern Mediterranean University, Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, Dept. of Business Administration, Famagusta: North Cyprus. |
Abstract: | ABSTRACT: The aim of the thesis is to analyze the macroeconomic performance and volatility of selected fundamental macroeconomics of Kenya, Rwanda and Ethiopia over the period of 1980-2010 and in the sub-period of the same interval. The first goal of this thesis is to look at each individual country’s macroeconomic variables and study the pattern for each country .The main focus is to look at periods of fluctuation, gradual incline and decline, highest and lowest records of the variables. This thesis will try the causes for such patterns.
The second goal of this thesis is to compare each economic variable to the three subject countries, with a description of which country out performs or has highest and lowest volatility in the whole period of study comparing it to the rest of the other countries.
Keywords: Macroeconomic Performance, Macroeconomic Volatility, Comparative Analysisiv
ÖZ: Bu tez,Kenya,Rwanda, veEthiyopya’nin 1980-2010 yillariarasindakimakroekonomikperformanslariniincelemeyiamaclamaktadir. Arastirmalarimizdaoncelikle her ulkeninmakroekonomikdegiskenlerinin her birinenasiletkilerioldugunuvebuulkeleringeleceginenasiletkileryapacaginiinceledik.Asilodaklandigimiznoktaisebelirtilenzamanaraligindakimakroekonomikdegiskenlerin en yuksekve en alt noktadaolduguzaman,ulkelerenasiletkileryaptiginivebuverilerindalgaliolduguzamanlarda bile ne gibietkilerioldugunuvenelerdenetkilendikleriniincelemekoldu.
Ikinciolarakise, tezimizbuuculkeninekonomikgostergelerininbirbiriilekarsilastirilmasioldu.Bunabagliolarakdigerulkelerile de bazikarsilastirmalaryaptik.
AnahtarKelimeler :MakroekonomikPerformans, MacroekonomikVolatalite, KarsilastirmaliAnaliz. |
Description: | Master of Business Administration. Thesis (M.B.A.)--Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Business and Economics, Dept. of Business Administration, 2013. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Serhan Çiftçioğlu. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11129/1395 |
Appears in Collections: | Theses (Master's and Ph.D) – Business and Economics
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