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Title: | Investigation of space truss using the integrated force method |
Authors: | Farajzadeh, Hamed |
Keywords: | Civil Engineering Equilibrium Equation Integrated force method Dual Integrated Force Method |
Issue Date: | Jun-2012 |
Publisher: | Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) - Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi (DAÜ) |
Citation: | Farajzadeh, Hamed. (2012). Investigation of space truss using the integrated force method. Thesis (M.S.), Eastern Mediterranean University, Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Famagusta: North Cyprus. |
Abstract: | ABSTRACT: This thesis investigates the usage of integrated force method in the analysis of statically indeterminate space truss. Computer codes are written to generate the equilibrium equations and then calculate the unknowns as: internal forces, nodal displacements, deformations and support reactions.
The first two programs of space truss analysis find the member forces in statically indeterminate cases. These two programs are based on integrated force method (IFM) which recently developed as solution approach. The main step of integrated force method is obtaining of compatibility condition and the difference between these programs is related to the calculation of compatibility condition. In the first program null space of equilibrium equation is used to find the compatibility condition and in the second program singular value decomposition is used.
The third program is based on displacement method termed dual integrated force method. In this method the main step is generation of global stiffness method which is assembled by the matrix multiplication of the equilibrium equation, its transpose and the diagonal matrix of the inverse of the flexibilities of members. In this method displacements are primary unknowns and internal forces can be back-calculated.
Keywords: equilibrium equation, integrated force method, dual integrated force method.
ÖZ: Bu tezde Bileşik Kuvvet Metodunu kullanarak statik belirsiz uzay kafes kirişler incelenmektedir. Geliştirilmiş analiz paketleri denge denklemlerini elde edip daha sonra eleman uç noktalarındaki kuvvetler, düğüm noktalarındaki deplasmanlar, eleman deformasyonları ve mesnet reaksiyonlarını hesaplar.
İlk iki program statik belirsiz uzay kafes kirişlerin eleman kuvvetlerini bulur. Bu iki program son yıllarda geliştirilmiş Bileşik Kuvvet Metodunu (IFM) kullanmaktadır. Bileşik Kuvvet Metodunda en önemli işlem uygunluk şartlarının elde edilmesidir ve yazılmış olan programların bibirinden farkı da uygunluk şartlarının hesaplanmasıdır. Bu iki analiz paketi sırası ile Null Space ve Singular Value Decomposition yöntemlerini kullanarak uygunluk matrislerini elde eder.
Bir ilave analiz paketi de deplasman yöntemini kullanan Çift Bileşik Kuvvet Metodudur (IFMD). Bu metodda global rijitlik matrisi denge denklemleri, diyagonal fleksibilite matrisinin tersi ve denge denklemleri transpozunun matris çarpımı kullanarak elde edilir. Çift Bileşik Kuvvet Metodudunda ana bilinmeyenler düğüm noktalarındaki deplasmanlardır ve eleman uç noktalarındaki kuvvetler deplasmanlar kullanılarak daha sonra hesap edilir
Anahtar kelimeler: Denge Denklemleri, Bileşik Kuvvet Metodu, Çift Bileşik Kuvvet Metodu. |
Description: | Master of Science in Civil Engineering. Thesis (M.S.)--Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Civil Engineering, 2012. Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Erdinç Soyer. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11129/1459 |
Appears in Collections: | Theses (Master's and Ph.D) – Civil Engineering
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