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Title: Higher dimensional Yang-Mills black holes in third order Lovelock gravity
Authors: Mazharimousavi, S. Habib
Halilsoy, Mustafa
Keywords: gravity
general relativity
Lovelock gravity
Yang-Mills black hole
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: Physics Letters B, Elsevier
Citation: S. Habib Mazharimousavi and Mustafa Halilsoy, Phys. Lett. B 665 (2008) 125, " Higher dimensional Yang-Mills black holes in third order Lovelock gravity".
Series/Report no.: Elsevier;Phys.Lett.B665:125-130,2008
Abstract: By employing the higher (N\TEXTsymbol{>}5) dimensional version of the Wu-Yang Ansatz we obtain magnetically charged new black hole solutions in the Einstein-Yang-Mills-Lovelock (EYML) theory with second (α2) and third (α3)order parameters. These parameters, where α2 is also known as the Gauss-Bonnet parameter, modify the horizons (and the resulting thermodynamical properties) of the black holes. It is shown also that asymptotically (r→∞), these parameters contribute to an effective cosmological constant -without cosmological constant- so that the solution behaves de-Sitter (Anti de-Sitter) like.
Description: The file in this item is the publisher version (published version) of the article.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11129/2034
ISSN: 1873-2445 (online)
0370-2693 (print)
Appears in Collections:PHY – Journal Articles: Publisher & Author Versions (Post-Print Author Versions) – Physics

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