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Title: Properties of Mortar Containing Waste Glass and Limestone Filler
Authors: Karamanoğlu, B
Eren, Özgür
Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering
Keywords: Waste glass
limestone filler
flow table
drying shrinkage
Issue Date: Sep-2008
Citation: Karamanoğlu, B. and Eren, Ö., “Properties of Mortar Containing Waste Glass & Limestone Filler”, 8th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 15-17 September 2008, Gazimağusa, North Cyprus, pp. 171-180.
Abstract: The building material industry has been developed due to the increasing population. This brings chronic shortage of building materials. According to this the civil engineers have been challenged to convert the industrial wastes to useful building and construction materials. The purpose of using ground waste glass is protect the environment by saving more landfills, to increase the cement plant capacity by using more beneficial additives, and to reduce CO2 emission per ton of cement by consuming less cement. This research was focused on the production of mortars containing various proportions of waste glass and limestone filler. Waste glass and limestone filler was replaced with cement by weight. Produced mortars were tested against fresh and hardened properties on specified ages. At the end of experimental study, a statistical analysis of unit weight, flow table, compressive strength, flexural strength, porosity, absorption and drying shrinkage test results are given. Different relations were found between the replacement of cement with waste glass and replacement of cement with limestone filler. The results indicate that, finer particle size and certain proportion of waste glass and limestone filler could behave satisfactory compared to the plain mortar.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11129/2402
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers and Presentations – Civil Engineering

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