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Title: Exploring the Perceived Obstacles to E-administration by Faculty Members of Eastern Mediterranean University
Authors: İslamoğlu., Mehmet
Rachel George, Malipula
Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Business and Economics Department of Business Administration.
Keywords: Business Administration
Marketing Management
Electronic Administration
Human Obstacles
Organizational Obstacles
Organizational Obstacles
Eastern Mediterranean University
Information and Communication Technology
Issue Date: Sep-2015
Publisher: Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) - Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi (DAÜ)
Citation: Malipula, Rachel George. (2015). Exploring the Perceived Obstacles to E-administration by Faculty Members of Eastern Mediterranean University. Thesis (M.A.), Eastern Mediterranean University, Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, Dept. of Business Administration, Famagusta: North Cyprus.
Abstract: This thesis aims to explore the obstacles that hinder the application and implementation of E-administration as perceived by faculty members at Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus. This study examined the degree of the Human Obstacles such as the human nature, the culture of closed doors, the lack of confidence in the protection, confidentiality and security of personal transactions; and Organizational obstacles such as the nature of organizational structure and the lack of systems and legislations for electronic transactions. The methodology used in the study was descriptive. The study used survey method by distributing questionnaires. Questionnaires that were administered in the field and returned involved 150 respondents. The results of the study showed that human obstacles ranked higher when compared with organizational obstacles with factors such as: lack of specialized personnel in the electronic administration in the university, lack of sufficient knowledge in electronic administration technology and departments’ and deans’ fear for increased administrative tasks ranking top three in the human obstacle category. The recommendation made in this study among many others is that it is very vital that the university organizes trainings, workshops and seminars for members of staff to enlighten them on the importance of E-administration and the benefits that go with it. ÖZ Bu araştırma e-yönetim sistemlerinin kurulumu ve uygulanması esnasında Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesindeki akademisyen kullanıcıların algıladıkları insan ve örgütsel engelleri inceler. İncelenen engellerin başlıcaları arasında, insan doğası, kapalı kapılar kültürü, ve kişisel bilgilerin mahremiyeti konusundaki endişeler gibi insan engelleri ile örgütsel yapı ve electronik işlemler hususundaki yapısal ve hukuksal eksiklikler gibi örgütsel engeller yer almaktadır. Tarifsel ve ankete dayalı metodolojiye dayalı bu araştırmada, veriler bir üniversitede 150 akademisyenden gelen anketler neticesinde elde edilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçları göstermiştir ki insan engelleri, örgütsel engellere göre, daha önemli rol oynamaktadır. İnsan engelleri arasında en önemli üç faktör olarak, konusunda uzman bilişim personeli eksikliği, e-yönetim konusunda yeterince bilgi sahibi olmama, ve bölüm başkanlarının ve dekanların idari işlerin artması hususundaki endişe ve korkuları yer almaktadır. Bu araştırma neticesinde yapılması gereken öneri, e-yönetimin önemi ve faydaları hakkında yapılacak eğitim, çalıştay ve seminerlerin, e-yönetim uygulamalarına geçecek üniversiteler tarafından kendi kullanıcı akademisyenleri için organize edilmesi gerektiğidir.
Description: Master of Arts in Marketing Management. Thesis (M.A.)--Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Business and Economics, Dept. of Business Administration, 2015. Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehmet İslamoğlu.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11129/2544
Appears in Collections:Theses (Master's and Ph.D) – Business and Economics

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