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Title: Position-dependent mass Lagrangians: nonlocal transformations, Euler-Lagrange invariance and exact solvability
Authors: Mustafa, Omar
Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Physics
ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL-EQUATIONS, Euler-Lagrange equations invariance
classical position-dependent mass, OSCILLATOR
POTENTIALS, nonlocal point transformation, Mathematical Physics
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: IOP Publishing
Citation: O. Mustafa: J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48 (2015) 225206. arXiv:1411.4405 "Position-dependent mass Lagrangians: nonlocal transformations, Euler-Lagrange invariance and exact solvability" SCI-journal.
Abstract: A general nonlocal point transformation for position-dependent mass (PDM) Lagrangians and their mapping into a 'constant unit-mass' Lagrangians in the generalized coordinates is introduced. The conditions on the invariance of the related Euler-Lagrange equations are reported. The harmonic oscillator linearization of the PDM Euler-Lagrange equations is discussed through some illustrative examples including harmonic oscillators, shifted harmonic oscillators, a quadratic nonlinear oscillator, and a Morse-type oscillator. The Mathews-Lakshmanan nonlinear oscillators are reproduced and some 'shifted' Mathews-Lakshmanan nonlinear oscillators are reported. The mapping of an isotonic nonlinear oscillator into a PDM deformed isotonic oscillator is also discussed.
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URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1751-8113/48/22/225206
ISSN: 1751-8113(print)
Appears in Collections:PHY – Journal Articles: Publisher & Author Versions (Post-Print Author Versions) – Physics

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