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Title: Interactions between business conditions, economic growth and crude oil prices
Authors: Katırcıoğlu, Salih
Sodeyfi, Setareh
Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Business and Economics Department of Banking and Finance
Keywords: Banking and Finance
Oil Prices and Finance.
Business Conditions
Error Correction Model
Issue Date: Jan-2013
Publisher: Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) - Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi (DAÜ)
Citation: Sodeyfi, Setareh. (2013). Interactions between business conditions, economic growth and crude oil prices . Thesis (M.S.), Eastern Mediterranean University, Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, Dept. of Banking and Finance, Famagusta: North Cyprus.
Abstract: The aim of this thesis is to search for empirical relationship between business conditions and crude oil prices using time series analysis. Business conditions have been peroxide by real income and real industrial production as advised in the relevant literature. Results suggest that economic activity and industrial value added are in long term relationship with oil price movements in the selected countries. Gross domestic product and industrial production significantly are affected from oil prices worldwide. Real income and industrial value added converge to their long term paths significantly through the channel of oil price movements. Oil prices have negative impact on business activity in some countries while it has positive impact in some other countries. Therefore, the sign of coefficient of oil prices has been found mixed in this research study. Keywords: Business Conditions; Oil; Error Correction Model.
ÖZ: Bu çalışma ekonomik büyüklük, sanayi üretimi ve petrol fiyatları arasındaki ili şkiyi çeşitli bölgeleri çinar delemeyi hedeflemektedir. Varılan sonuçlara gore bu değişkenler arasında ekonometrik olarak anlamlı ve uzun dönemli bir ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Petrol fiyatları uzun dönemde ekonomik ve sanayi aktivitesini anlamlı olarak etkilemektedir. Seçilmiş ülkelerdeki ekonomik büyüklük ve sanayi üretimi uzun dönem denge değerlerine petrol piyasaları aracılığıile yaklaşmaktadır. Son olarak petrol fiyatlarının etkisi bazı ülkelerde olumsuz yönde iken bazı ülkelerde olumlu yönde tespit edilmiştir. Anahtar Kalimeler: İş Dünyası; Petrol; Hata Düzeltme Modeli.
Description: Master of Science in Banking and Finance. Thesis (M.S.)--Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Business and Economics, Dept. of Banking and Finance, 2013. Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Salih Katircioglu.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11129/3296
Appears in Collections:Theses (Master's and Ph.D) – Business and Economics

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