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Title: Urban Sprawl, the Impact and Implications: The case of the Famagusta, Cyprus
Authors: Fuladlu, Kamyar
Riza, Müge
İlkan, Mustafa
School of Computing and Technology
Keywords: Auto-dependency
Urban Sprawl
Issue Date: 16-May-2018
Publisher: Cyprus Network of Urban Morphology
Abstract: The Urban sprawl is a debatable topic among the developed and developing counties (Galster, et al., 2001). Although so far there is no unique agreement/definition of the urban sprawl. However, all scholars emphasize on the multidimensionality of this phenomenon (Frenkel & Ashkenazi, 2008; Galster, et al., 2001). Literature reviews of the topic depict that, there is an agreement between the majority of the scholars to control the future development of the urban sprawl. Up to now, many studies believe that the negative impacts are superior to the positive ones (Bhatta, 2010, p. 28). Nevertheless, this study wishes to consider the impact and implication of the urban sprawl in case of the Famagusta, in order to understand the current situation in terms of the negative and positive impacts. Besides that, this study wants to address, Are the implications discussed by other studies in the case of Famagusta valid too? Methods. For this purpose, the existing literature on the urban sprawl will represent with an emphasis on the negative and positive impacts. Later, the covered implication on literature parts will be employed to consider the case of Famagusta urban sprawl. Conclusion. Evaluation of the Famagusta urban sprawl depicts that, although most of representing impacts by other studies valid for the case of this study, However, some conflicts are tangible especially in term of the auto-dependency and psychological issue. In fact, the absence of the public transportation regardless of the living area (Urban area/Neighborhoods) made residents auto-dependent.
Description: Cyprus Network of Urban Morphology_ 1 of May 2018_Abstract Template
URI: https://www.easyacademia.org/cynum2018
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers and Presentations – SCT

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