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Title: A New Logic-Based Approach for the Specification and Discovery of SemanticWeb Services
Authors: Bayram, Zeki
Sharifi, Omid
Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Computer Engineering
Keywords: Computer Engineering
Web services
Semantic Web
Issue Date: Sep-2014
Publisher: Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) - Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi (DAÜ)
Citation: Sharifi, Omid. (2014). A New Logic-Based Approach for the Specification and Discovery of SemanticWeb Services. Thesis (Ph.D.), Eastern Mediterranean University, Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Famagusta: North Cyprus.
Abstract: Matching Web services and client requirements in the form of goals is a significant challenge in the discovery of Semantic Web services. The most common but unsatisfactory approach to matching is set-based, where both the client and Web service declare what objects they require, and what objects they can provide. Matching then becomes the simple task of comparing sets of objects. This approach is inadequate because it says nothing about the functionality required by the client, or the functionality provided by the Web service. As a viable alternative to the set-based approach, in this thesis we use the F-Logic language as implemented in the FLORA-2 logic system to specify Web service capabilities and client requirements in the form of logic statements, clearly define what a match means in terms of logical inference, and implement a logic based discovery agent and matching engine using the FLORA-2 system. In order to be able to specify Semantic Web elements such as Web services, goals, ontologies, we define a sub-language of FLORA-2, which we call FLOG4SWS. The result is a practical, fully implemented matching engine and discovery agent based purely on logical inference for Web service discovery, with direct applicability to Web Service Modeling Ontology (WSMO) and Web Service Modeling Language (WSML), since F-Logic is intimately related to both. Before going to the implementation of new language (FLOG4SWS) and logical inference based discovery agent we investigate the strong as well as weak aspects of WSML in order to guide us in the search for a better alternative. In our studies into the theory of F-Logic, we discovered a mistake in the unification algorithm for F-Logic molecules, and we present a corrected version of the algorithm in this thesis as well.
Öz: Ag hizmetlerini ve hedefler seklinde belirtilmis¸ kullanıcı gereksinimlerini eslestirmek, semantik ag hizmetleri kes¸finde yapılması kolay olmayan bir seydir. Eslestirmede en cok kullanılan, ancak tatminkar olmayan yaklasım, kume tabanlı olandır. Bu yaklasımda, hem kullanıcı, hem de ag hizmeti istedikleri ve ihtiyac¸ duydukları nesneleri deklare ederler. Boylece, eslestirme basit nesne kumeleri karsılastırmasına donuşur. Bu yaklasım, kullanıcının ihtiyacı olan islevsellik, veya hizmetin sundugu islevsellik hakkında hicbir sey soylememesinden dolayı yetersizdir. Bu tezde, kume tabanlı eslestirmeye alternatif olarak, FLORA-2 mantık sisteminde gerceklestirildigi sekliyle F-Logic dilini kullanarak, hizmet yeteneklerini ve kullanıcı isteklerini mantık ifadeleri seklinde belirtip, eslestirmenin mantıksal cıkarım acısından ne anlama geldigini acıkca tanımlayıp, FLORA-2 sistemini kullanan mantık tabanlı bir kesif ajanı ve eslestirme makinesi gerceklestiriyoruz. Ag hizmetleri, hedefler ve ontolojiler gibi semantik ag elemanlarını belirtebilmek icin, FLOG4SWS adını verdigimiz bir FLORA- 2 alt dili tanımlıyoruz. Sonuc olarak ortaya cıkan gerceklestirilmesi tamamlanmıs, tamamen mantıksal cıkarıma dayalı, F-Logic ile olan yakın iliskilerinden dolayı Web Service Modeling Ontology (WSMO) ve Web Service Modeling Language (WSML) diline dogrudan uyarlanabilen bir eslestirme makinesi ve kesif ajanıdır. Tezde ayrıca, yeni dil (FLOG4SWS) ve mantıksal cıkarım tabanlı kesif ajanının gerceklestirmesine gecmeden once, bize daha iyi bir alternatifin yolunu gostermesi acısından, WSML’in kuvvetli ve zayıf yonlerini arastırdık. F-Logic kuramı arastırmalarımız esnasında, F-Logic molekullerinin birlestirme algoritmasında bir hata kesfettik ve bu algoritmanın duzeltilmis seklini de sunuyoruz.
Description: Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Engineering. Thesis (M.S.)--Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Computer Engineering, 2014. Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeki Bayram.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11129/3882
Appears in Collections:Theses (Master's and Ph.D) – Computer Engineering

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