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Title: Factors Influencing the Loyalty of Eastern Mediterranean University Graduates
Authors: Özad, Bahire
Kılıç, Cemal
Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Communication and Media Studies
Keywords: Communication and Media Studies Department
Eastern Mediterranean University Graduates - Students Loyalty
Graduates Satisfaction - Graduate Loyalty - Alumni - Outcomes of Education - Eastern Mediterranean University - Cyprus (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, 1983-)
Student Satisfaction - Evaluations
Student Attitudes - Student Satisfaction - University Effectiveness - Graduate Students Surveys
Loyalty, Alumni Satisfaction, Sense of Belonging, Perception, University Graduate
Issue Date: Feb-2018
Publisher: Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) - Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi (DAÜ)
Citation: Kılıç, Cemal. (2018). Factors Influencing the Loyalty of Eastern Mediterranean University Graduate. Thesis (M.A.), Eastern Mediterranean University, Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, Dept. of Communication and Media Studies, Famagusta: North Cyprus.
Abstract: ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to determine factors affecting the overall perceptions and experiences of the Eastern Mediterranean University alumni. The objective of this study was to measure how satisfied the graduates were with the level of communication and education they experienced their studies on a demographic and attitudinal basis. This study is based on the case study conducted through the quantitative research methodology by using the survey method with new EMU graduates. One of the most prominent issue was that of fairness among the issues raised from this research. Students believe that occasionally, their course instructors may not be fair or treat their students as ‘equal’ when grading. This may lead to the lack of self-esteem in students, affect their sense of belonging and directly impact their studies. The results of this study also indicate that students require additional support and that the necessary facilities should be in place from the very beginning of their studies, ensuring they have the support and facilities, they require in place for them to achieve a sense of belonging and the channels to voice their needs. It indirectly indicates that instructors also require additional support when it comes to interpersonal communication and some teaching skills. Keywords: Loyalty, Alumni Satisfaction, Sense of Belonging, Perception, University Graduate.
ÖZ: Bu araştırmanın amacı, Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi mezunlarının genel algı ve deneyimlerini etkileyen faktörleri belirlemektir. Bu çalışmanın hedefi mezunlarının demografik ve tutum açısından iletişim ve eğitim düzeyleri ile ne kadar memnun kaldıklarını ölçmektir. Bu çalışma, DAÜ mezunlarının anket yöntemini kullanarak nicel araştırma metodolojisi vasıtasıyla vaka incelemesine dayanmaktadır. Bu araştırmadan çıkan sorunlar arasında en belirgin sorun, adillik sorunudur. Öğrenciler, zaman zaman öğretim üyelerinin, ders notlamasında adil olmayabileceklerine inanmaktadırlar. Bu, öğrencilerde öz saygı eksikliğine sebep olabilir, aidiyet duygularını ve çalışmalarını doğrudan etkileyebilir. Ayrıca bu araştırmanın sonucuna göre öğrenciler, eğitim başlangıçlarından itibaren ek desteğe ve gerekli araçlara gereksinim duymaktadırlar ki bu destek ve kanallar aracılığı ile aidiyet duygusunu hissedebilsinler, ihtiyaçlarını dile getirebilsinler. Bu aynı zamanda dolaylı olarak öğretim üyelerinin de kişisel iletişim ve öğretim becerileri geliştirme de desteğe ihtiyaçları olduğunu da göstermektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Bağlılık, Mezun Memnuniyeti, Aidiyet Duygusu, Algı, Üniversite Mezunu.
Description: Master of Arts in Communication and Media Studies. Thesis (M.A.)--Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Communication, Dept. of Communication and Media Studies, 2018. Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bahire Efe Özad.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11129/4568
Appears in Collections:Theses (Master's and Ph.D) – Communication and Media Studies

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