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Title: An Investigation of Students’ Perspectives on Flipped Classroom Method as a Type of Blended MOOC Model at the Department of English Language Teaching at Eastern Mediterranean University
Authors: Sonyel, Bengi
Sadaghiani, Mohammad Hosein Mehrzad
Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Education, Dept. of Computer Education and Instructional Technologies
Keywords: Computer Education and Instructional Technologies
Information and Communication Technologies in Education--Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)--Eastern Mediterranean University
Education - Computer network resources--E-Learning
Mobile communication systems in education
Schools--Teaching, Aids and Devices
Educational Technology--Educational Media--E-Learning
Teaching Aids--Teaching Materials--Teaching Equipments--Instructional materials
Teaching - Computer network resources
Flipped Classroom
Blended MOOC model. E-learning
Students perceptions
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) - Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi (DAÜ)
Citation: Sadaghiani, Mohammad Hosein Mehrzad. (2017). An Investigation of Students’ Perspectives on Flipped Classroom Method as a Type of Blended MOOC Model at the Department of English Language Teaching at Eastern Mediterranean University. Thesis (M.Ed.), Eastern Mediterranean University, Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, Dept. of Educational Sciences, Famagusta: North Cyprus.
Abstract: Nowadays, learning methods are changing rapidly with growing technology. Over the recent years, MOOC plays an important role in e-learning and higher-education because it can create opportunities for thousands of students to participate in free higher-education online. In online pedagogy, MOOC are recent phenomena beginning in 2008. Since that early beginning, MOOCs developed rapidly, becoming a global phenomenon. In this research, the researcher investigated the researcher will investigate the flipped classroom as the most important part of blended MOOC model. This research will find out the existing problems and advantages by using flipped classroom method. Solving the problems can enhance the efficiency of instruction and it will help students to have a better learning experiences. It might increase students‟ motivation, active participation and success in their courses.
ÖZ: Günümüzde, öğrenme yöntemleri büyüyen teknoloji ile hızla değişiyor. Son yıllarda, MOOC, e-öğrenme ve yüksek öğrenimde önemli bir rol oynamaktadır, çünkü binlerce öğrencinin çevrimiçi yüksek öğrenim görme özgürlüğüne katılma fırsatları yaratması mümkündür. Çevrimiçi pedagojideki MOOC, 2008'de başlayacak yeni olgudur. Bu erken başlangıçtan beri, MOOC'ler hızla gelişerek küresel bir fenomen haline gelmiştir. Bu araştırmada, araştırmacı, araştırmacının, karıştırılan MOOC modelinin en önemli parçası olarak sivil sınıfı araştırmasını araştırdı. Bu araştırma, ters çevrilmiş sınıf yöntemini kullanarak mevcut sorun ve avantajları bulacaktır. Sorunların çözülmesi öğretim verimliliğini artırabilir ve öğrencilerin daha iyi öğrenme deneyimleri kazanmasına yardımcı olur. Derslerin öğrencilerin motivasyonlarını, aktif katılımlarını ve başarılarını artırabilir.
Description: Master of Science in Information and Communication Technologies in Education. Thesis (M.S.)--Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Education, Dept. of Computer Education and Instructional Technologies, 2017. Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Bengi Sonyel.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11129/4649
Appears in Collections:Theses (Master's and Ph.D) – Education

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