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Title: Eastern Mediterranean University Undergraduate Students Perspective on Digital Competence and Academic Literacy
Authors: İşçioğlu, Ersun
Adedoyin, Olasile Babatunde
Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Education, Dept. of Computer Education and Instructional Technology
Keywords: Education, Higher-Literacy
Academic Literacy Digital competence Eastern Mediterranean University Famagusta (Cyprus, North)
Education - Computer network resources-Educational Technology-Student Attitudes
Educational Technology-Educational Media-E-Learning-E-Library
Information Literacy-Computer Literacy-Digital Literacy-University Students
Teaching - Computer network resources
Digital Competence
Digital Literacy
Academic Literacy
Undergraduate Students
Issue Date: Feb-2019
Publisher: Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) - Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi (DAÜ)
Citation: Adedoyin, Olasile Babatunde. (2019). Eastern Mediterranean University Undergraduate Students Perspective on Digital Competence and Academic Literacy.Thesis (Ph.M).Eastern Mediterranean University,Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, Dept. of Computer Education and Instructional Technology, Famagusta: North Cyprus
Abstract: Purpose of this study is to investigate undergraduate students’ perspective on the use of digital competence for academic literacy. This study used 400 EMU undergraduate students comprising of both males and females across all the eleven faculties as sample population. Data were collected with “Digital Competence and Academic Literacy” tool. Data gotten from the instrument were analyzed using frequency, percentage, T-test for testing the significant difference between students’ gender and ANOVA for testing the significant differences between students’ registered faculty. The results from this study indicate that EMU undergraduate students’ have preference for digital content given via multi-modal forms. Additionally, the results also show that there are significant differences in undergraduate perspective on the use of digital competence for academic literacy according to students’ gender and students registered faculty. Keywords: Digital Competence, Digital Literacy, Academic Literacy, Undergraduate Students.
ÖZ:Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, üniversitede lisans eğitimi almakta olan öğrencilerin akademik okuryazırlık kapsamında sayısal yetkinliklerini incelemektedir. Çalışmaya Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi’nde (DAÜ) öğrenim görmekte olan 400 öğrenci katılmıştır. Çalışma nicel bir çalışma olarak planlanmış ve tarama yönteminde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veriler, “Sayısal yetkinlik ve akademik okuryazarlık” veri toplama aracı ile toplanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler betimsel veri analiz yöntemleri, frekans, yüzde, aritmetik ortalama, t-testi ve Anova yöntemleri kullanılarak SPSS ortamında analiz edilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın sonuçları, DAÜ lisans öğrencilerinin büyük çoğunluğunun çoklu formlarla verilen sayısal içeriği tercih ettiklerini göstermiştir. Ek olarak, sonuçlar lisans öğrencilerinin akademik okuryazarlık için sayısal yetkinliğin kullanımında öğrencilerin cinsiyetine ve kayıtlı fakülte öğrencilerine göre anlamlı farklılıklar olduğunu göstermektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Dijital Yeterlilik, Dijital Okur-yazarlık, Akademik Okuma yazma, Lisans Öğrencileri.
Description: Master of Science in Information and Communication Technologies in Education. Institute of Graduate Studies and Research. Thesis (M.S.) - Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Education, Dept. of Computer Education and Instructional Technology, 2019. Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ersun İşçioğlu.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11129/5718
Appears in Collections:Theses (Master's and Ph.D) – Education

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