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Title: A Poliheuristic Reading of Securitization Theory: A Study of Media’s Role in Shaping the Decision Environment Regarding Refugees in Britain and Canada
Authors: Numan, Berna (Supervisor)
Monibi, Hamidreza
Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Business and Economics, Dept. of Political Science and International Relations
Keywords: International Relations
Security, International
National Security
Refugees--Government policy--Britain
Emigration and immigration--Social aspects
Securitization theory
Emigration and immigration--Government policy
Decision-making environments
foreign policy
media frames
poliheuristic model
securitization theory
Issue Date: Sep-2021
Publisher: Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) - Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi (DAÜ)
Citation: Monibi, Hamidreza. (2021). A Poliheuristic Reading of Securitization Theory: A Study of Media’s Role in Shaping the Decision Environment Regarding Refugees in Britain and Canada. Thesis (Ph.D.), Eastern Mediterranean University, Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, Dept. of International Relations, Famagusta: North Cyprus.
Abstract: This thesis studies media frames as reflections of decision making environments. This has especially been examined in relation to the decision making environment that existed in Canada and the United Kingdom in relation to the resettlement of Syrian refugees in the time frame between January 2009 and December 2016. To identify the decision making environments, the content of the population of audio visual news pieces (1115 pieces) aired by Global News, CBC, Sky News and BBC about Syrian refugees were coded by ’Atlas.ti’. Five generic frames were used to determine the nature of the content and a number of sub-frames were used to identify the direction of the frames. As a supplementary step, the general patterns identified in the examined news networks were classified and an insight into the decision making environments was provided on this basis. This was done with a special attention to identifying possible securitizing patterns in the media. The identified environments were then examined in the context of the poliheuristic model of decision making. By demonstrating the predictive capacity of studying media frames and framing patterns, the thesis suggests that the media expose their audience to a dominant decision making environment in relation to an issue of concern and stabilize that decision making environment by repeatedly exposing their audience to the same framing patterns. Keywords: decision-making environments, foreign policy, media frames, poliheuristic model, refugees, securitization theory
ÖZ: Bu tez, medya çerçevelerini karar verme ortamlarının yansımaları olarak inceler. Bu, özellikle Ocak 2009 ile Aralık 2016 arasındaki zaman diliminde Suriyeli mültecilerin yeniden yerle¸stirilmesiyle ilgili olarak Kanada ve Birle¸sik Krallık’ta var olan karar verme ortamıyla ilgili olarak incelenmi¸stir. ˙Incelenen zaman diliminde var olan karar verme ortamlarını belirlemek için, Global News, CBC, Sky News ve BBC tarafından Suriyeli mülteciler hakkında yayınlanan görsel-i¸sitsel haberlerin (1115 adet) popülasyonunun içerigi ’Atlas.ti’ tarafından ˘ kodlanmı¸stır. ˙Içerigin do ˘ gasını belirlemek için be¸s genel çerçeve kullanıldı ve ˘ çerçevelerin yönünü belirlemek için bir dizi alt çerçeve kullanlarak. Ek bir adım olarak, incelenen haber aglarında tanımlanan genel kalıplar sınıflandırılmı¸s ve bu ˘ temelde karar verme ortamlarına ili¸skin bir fikir verilmi¸stir. Bu, medyadaki olası güvenlikle¸stirme modellerini belirlemeye özel bir dikkatle yapıldı. Belirlenen ortamlar daha sonra poli-bulu sal karar verme modeli baglamında incelenmi¸stir. ˘ Bu tez, medya çerçevelerini ve çerçeveleme kalıplarını incelemenin öngörücü kapasitesini göstererek, medyanın izleyicilerini bir konuyla ilgili olarak baskın bir karar verme ortamına maruz bıraktıgını ve izleyicilerini tekrar tekrar aynı çerçeveye ˘ maruz bırakarak bu karar verme ortamını stabilize ettigini öne sürüyor. ˘ Anahtar Kelimeler: karar verme ortamları, dı¸s politika, medya çerçeveleri, poliheuristik model, mülteciler, güvenlikle¸stirme teorisi
Description: Doctor of Philosophy in International Relations. Institute of Graduate Studies and Research. Thesis (Ph.D.) - Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Business and Economics, Dept. of Political Science and International Relations, 2021. Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Berna Numan.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11129/5827
Appears in Collections:Theses (Master's and Ph.D) – Business and Economics

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