Browsing by Author "Odeh, Maen"


Browsing by Author "Odeh, Maen"

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  • Mustafa, Omar; Odeh, Maen (Springer-Verlag, 2000)
    A new pseudoperturbative (artificial in nature) methodical proposal [15] is used to solve for Schrodinger equation with a class of phenomenologically useful and methodically challenging anharmonice oscillator potentials ...
  • Mustafa, Omar; Odeh, Maen (Springer, 2001)
    The energy levels of neutral atoms supported by Yukawa potential, V(r)=-Z exp(-\alpha r)/r, are studied, using both dimensional and dimensionless quantities, via a new analytical methodical proposal (devised to solve for ...
  • Mustafa, Omar; Odeh, Maen (Inst Physıcs Acad Scı Czech Republıc, 2001)
    The energy levels of neutral atoms supported by Yukawa potential, V(r)=-Z exp(-\alpha r)/r, are studied, using both dimensional and dimensionless quantities, via a new analytical methodical proposal (devised to solve for ...
  • Mustafa, Omar; Odeh, Maen (INST PHYSICS ACAD SCI CZECH REPUBLIC, Springer (Online Publishing), 2002)
    Magnetic fingerprints on the spectra of an interacting electron with a negatively charged ion in a parabolic quantum dot (QD), and of two interacting electrons in such a dot, are investigated via a pseudoperturbative ...