Forward and Backward Chaining Techniques of Reasoning in Rule-Based Systems


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dc.contributor.advisor Rashad, Aliyev Mzori, Bareen Haval Sadiq 2016-03-22T19:40:54Z 2016-03-22T19:40:54Z 2015-07 2015
dc.identifier.citation Mzori, Bareen Haval Sadiq. (2015). Forward and Backward Chaining Techniques of Reasoning in Rule-Based Systems . Thesis (M.S.), Eastern Mediterranean University, Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, Dept. of Mathematics, Famagusta: North Cyprus. en_US
dc.description Master of Science in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. Thesis (M.S.)--Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Dept. of Mathematics, 2015. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Rashad Aliyev. en_US
dc.description.abstract The forward and backward chaining techniques are well-known reasoning concepts used in rule-based systems in Artificial Intelligence. The forward chaining is data-driven, and the backward chaining is goal-driven reasoning methods. The aim of this thesis is to present the implementation of above concepts. The matching process between facts and rules, and the conflict resolution strategy in forward chaining are used. The depth-first search in both forward and backward chaining is performed. The backtracking process in backward chaining employs the Prolog programming language which is also discussed in this thesis. Some examples for better understanding the forward and backward chaining techniques are provided. en_US
dc.description.abstract ÖZ: İleri ve geri zincirleme teknikleri Yapay Zeka kural tabanlı sistemlerde kullanılan analiz kavramları iyi bilinmektedir. İleri zincirleme veri odaklı ve geri zincirleme hedef odaklı analiz yöntemleridir. Bu tezin amacı, verilen kavramların uygulamasını sunmaktır. Gerçekler, kurallar ve ileri zincirleme uyuşmazlık çözümü stratejisi arasındaki eşleştirme işlemi kullanılır. İleri ve geri zincirleme derinlik öncelikli arama yapılır. Bu tezde, Geriye zincirleme olarak geriye izlemeli arama süreci de tartışılmıştır. Programlama dili olarak Prolog kullanır. İleri ve geriye zincirleme tekniklerini daha iyi anlamak için bazı örnekler verilmiştir. en_US
dc.language.iso eng en_US
dc.publisher Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) - Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi (DAÜ) en_US
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess en_US
dc.subject Mathematics en_US
dc.subject Applied Mathematics and Computer Science en_US
dc.subject forward and backward chaining techniques en_US
dc.subject matching process en_US
dc.subject conflict resolution en_US
dc.subject depth-first search en_US
dc.subject backtracking en_US
dc.subject Prolog language en_US
dc.title Forward and Backward Chaining Techniques of Reasoning in Rule-Based Systems en_US
dc.type masterThesis en_US
dc.contributor.department Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Arts and Science, Department of Mathematics en_US

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