Effect of Global Financial Crisis on Nigerian Economy and the Financial Sector


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dc.contributor.advisor Jenkins, Hatice
dc.contributor.author Oyebamiji, Oyelola Ruth
dc.date.accessioned 2016-05-24T08:51:29Z
dc.date.available 2016-05-24T08:51:29Z
dc.date.issued 2015-09
dc.date.submitted 2015-09
dc.identifier.citation Oyebamiji, Oyelola Ruth . (2015) . Effect of Global Financial Crisis on Nigerian Economy and the Financial Sector. Thesis (M.S.), Eastern Mediterranean University, Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, Dept. of Banking and Finance, Famagusta: North Cyprus. en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11129/2674
dc.description Master of Science in Banking and Finance. Thesis (M.S.)--Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Business and Economics, Dept. of Banking and Finance, 2015. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hatice Jenkins. en_US
dc.description.abstract This research aims to study the effect of 2008- 2010 global financial crisis on Nigerian economy and on its financial sector. Secondary data was obtained from the World Bank, the Central Bank of Nigeria and the IMF World Economic Outlook. The economic indicators examined in this research are: unemployment rate, inflation rate, interest rate, non-performing loans, foreign direct investment, foreign exchange reserve, real GDP growth rate, and exchange rate. The regression analysis was conducted to examine the effect of unemployment caused by the global financial crisis on the country’s real GDP growth rate. Descriptive statistics including the mean, median and standard deviation was also used to analyze the data. Trend analysis was further used to analyze the trend of these indicators over the years. The findings of this research indicated that the inflation rate and banks’ non-performing loans have increased during the global financial crises, however they both moved back to their original levels during the post-crises period. On the other hand the negative effect of the global financial crises on unemployment, foreign direct investment and economic growth remained unchanged even after the post-crises period. Also the dependence of Nigerian economy on its petroleum exports makes its economic growth highly sensitive to the petroleum prices. As the petroleum prices fell during the post-crises period the economic growth of Nigeria was negatively affected. Keywords: Global financial crisis, Nigerian economy, Non-performing Loans, Foreign Direct Investment, Foreign Exchange Reserve, Gross Domestic Product, Exchange rates, Inflation rate, Interest rate, Oil prices, Trend analysis. en_US
dc.description.abstract iv ÖZ Bu çalışmanın amacı 2008-2010 küresel mali krizinin Nijerya Ekonomisi ve finans sektörü üzerine olan etkisini araştırmaktır. Araştırmada kullanılan veriler Dünya Bankası, Nijerya Merkez Bankası ve Nijerya Ulusal Bürosu’ndan elde edilen ekonomik ve finansal verilerdir. Bu araştırmada incelenen eknomik ve finansal göstergeler şunları içermektedir: enflasyon oranı, banka'nın takipteki kredileri, doğrudan yabancı yatırımlar, döviz rezervleri, Gayri Safi Yurtiçi Hasıla (GSYİH) ve döviz kurları. Araştırma metodu olarak regresyon ve trend analizi kullanılmıştır. Yapılan regresyon analizi kriz döneminde artan işsizliğin GSMH’yı olumsuz etkilediğini göstermiştir. Ayrıca trend analizi kullanılarak makroekonomik göstergelerin kriz öncesi ve kriz sonrası hareketini incelenmiştir. Araştırma bulgularına göre kriz döneminde enflasyon ve geri dönmeyen kredilerde bir artış yaşanmış fakat alınan önlemlerle bu artış kriz sonrası yine eski seviyelerine dönmüştür. Fakat yabancı yatırımlar, işsizlik oranı ve ekonomik büyüme kriz öncesi seviyelerine dönmemiştir. Nijerya ekonomisinin petrol gelirlerine bağlı olmasından dolayı petrol fiatlarındaki değişim de Nijerya ekonomisini büyük ölçüde etkilemektedir. Kriz sonrası dönemde petrol fiatlarının düşmesi ekonomik büyümeyi de yavaşlatmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Küresel mali kriz, Nijeryalı ekonomisi, Banka'nın Takipteki Kredi (TGA), Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırımlar, Döviz Rezerv, Gayri Safi Yurtiçi Hasıla (GSYİH), döviz kurları, trend analizi. en_US
dc.language.iso eng en_US
dc.publisher Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) - Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi (DAÜ) en_US
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess en_US
dc.subject Banking and Finance en_US
dc.subject Banks and Banking - Nigeria en_US
dc.subject Global financial crisis, Nigerian economy, Non-performing Loans, Foreign Direct Investment, Foreign Exchange Reserve, Gross Domestic Product, Exchange rates, Inflation rate, Interest rate, Oil prices, Trend analysis en_US
dc.title Effect of Global Financial Crisis on Nigerian Economy and the Financial Sector en_US
dc.type masterThesis en_US
dc.contributor.department Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Business and Economics, Department of Banking and Finance. en_US

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