The highly accurate block-grid method for solving Laplace’s boundary value problems on
polygons is developed for nonanalytic boundary conditions of the first kind. The quadrature
approximation of the integral representations of the exact solution around each reentrant
corner(‘‘singular’’ part) are combined with the 9-point finite difference equations on the
‘‘nonsingular’’ part. In the integral representations, and in the construction of the sixth
order gluing operator, the boundary conditions are taken into account with the help of
integrals of Poisson type for a half-plane which are computed with ε accuracy. It is proved
that the uniform error of the approximate solution is of order O(h6+ε), where h is the mesh
step. This estimation is true for the coefficients of singular terms also. The errors of p-order
derivatives (p = 0, 1, . . .) in the ‘‘singular’’ parts are O((h6 + ε)r1/αj−p
j ), rj is the distance
from the current point to the vertex in question and αjπ is the value of the interior angle
of the jth vertex. Finally, we give the numerical justifications of the obtained theoretical
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