This thesis explore the relations between servant leadership with work engagement, extra role behavior and job burnout. It can also be used to examine the mediation effect of work engagement on the relations between servant leadership and extra role behavior, servant leadership and job burnout. The suggested model was tested by data collection from hotel employees working in the front line of the hotel in Antalya, Turkey. 219 employees behind the counters from four and five stars hotels accepted to take part in the survey during the summer 2014. These employees were selected from frontline office, food and beverage, and housekeeping departments that have the capabilities to interact efficiently with customers.
According to the results, servant leadership increases employee‟s work engagement and extra role behavior and decreases employees‟ burnout. Work engagement has positive relations with extra role behavior and negative relations with job burnout. Work engagement has a mediation effect on the relations that exist between servant leadership, extra role behavior and servant leadership with job burnout.
Keywords: Servant Leadership, Frontline employees, Extra Role Behavior, Work engagement, Job Burnout.
Bu ampirik calismanin amaci hizmet liderligi, is bagliligi, ekstra rol davranislari ve is tukenmisligi boyutlari arasindaki iliskileri incelemektir. Ayrica bu calisma is bagimliliginin hizmet liderligi ve ekstra rol davranislari ile tukenmislik boyutlari arasindaki iliskilere olan etkisni de olcmege calismistir. Bu calisma orneklem olarak Turkiyenin Antalya bolgesindeki 4 ve 5 yildizli otellerde 219 sinir birimi calisanlari ile 2014 yaz sezonunda gerceklestirilmistir. Bu calisanlar on buro, yiyecek icecek temizlik departmanlari gibi musterilerle yuzyuze iletisimi olan calisanlarla yapilmistir.
Arastirma sonuclarina gore hizmet liderligi is bagliligini ve ekstra rol performansini olumlu olarak artirirken tukenmislik sendromuna negatif bir etki gostermektedir. Is bagliligi ekstra rol performansi uzerinde onemli ve positif etki gosterirken is tukenmsligi boyutuna onemli bir negatif etki gostermektedir.Is bagimliligi, hizmet liderligi ve ekstra rol performansi arasinda arabulucu bir etkisi vardir. Ayni etki hizmet liderligi ve tukenmislik sendromu arasinda gorulmektedir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Hizmet liderligi, sinir birimi calisanlari, ekstra rol performansi, is bagliligi, tukenmislik.