Destination Image of Jordan


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dc.contributor.advisor Timur, Seldjan Asfar, Aya 2022-02-15T08:06:19Z 2022-02-15T08:06:19Z 2019 2019-08
dc.identifier.citation Asfar, Aya. (2019). Destination Image of Jordan. Thesis (M.A.), Eastern Mediterranean University, Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, Dept. of Business Administration, Famagusta: North Cyprus. en_US
dc.description Master of Arts in Marketing Management. Thesis (M.A.)--Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Business and Economics, Dept. of Business Administration, 2019. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Seldjan Timur. en_US
dc.description.abstract This research examines the perceived destination image of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan through the complex relationships between destination image components and their influence on intention to revisit and to recommend. Overall destination image operationalized with the cognitive, affective, and unique image components. A convenience sample of 250 tourists visiting Jordan was used. A structured questionnaire is developed to collect data. Using Spearman correlation test, the findings reveal significant positive correlations between Cognitive image and affective image and unique image and holistic image. However, intention to revisit and recommend were found to have moderate correlation with the three image components. Therefore, the study concludes that holistic image has to be created through cognitive, affective and unique images. Keywords: Jordan, destination image en_US
dc.description.abstract ÖZ: Bu araştırma, Ürdün Haşimi Krallığı‘nın algılanan destinasyon imajını, destinasyon imaj bileşenleri ile tekrar ziyaret etme ve önerme niyetleri üzerindeki karmaşık ilişkiler kullanarak incemektedir. Genel Destinasyon imajı bilişsel, duyuşsal ve benzersiz görüntü bileşenleri ile ölçülmüştür. Veriler Ürdün'ü ziyaret eden 250 turistten anket yöntemi ile toplanmıştır. Spearman korelasyon testi sonuçlarına göre bilişsel imge ve duyuşsal imge ile benzersiz imge ve bütünsel imge arasında kuvvetli pozitif korelasyon bulunmuştur. Bununla birlikte, yeniden gözden geçirme ve tavsiye etme niyeti ile ilgili olarak orta düzeyde bir ilişki saptanmıştır. Bu nedenle çalışma, bilişsel, duyuşsal ve özgün imgeler yoluyla bütünsel imajın oluşturulması gerektiği sonucuna varmıştır. Anahtar Sözcükler: Afektif İmge, Bilişsel İmge, Benzersiz İmge, Bütünsel İmge. en_US
dc.language.iso eng en_US
dc.publisher Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) - Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi (DAÜ) en_US
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess en_US
dc.subject Business Administration en_US
dc.subject Marketing Management en_US
dc.subject Destination Image--Jordan en_US
dc.subject Jordan, destination image en_US
dc.title Destination Image of Jordan en_US
dc.type masterThesis en_US
dc.contributor.department Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Business and Economics, Dept. of Business Administration en_US

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