Securitization of Multiculturalism and Immigration: Case of the UK


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dc.contributor.advisor Numan, Berna Rozmamedova, Muhabbat 2022-04-27T06:25:46Z 2022-04-27T06:25:46Z 2018 2018-08
dc.identifier.citation Rozmamedova, Muhabbat. (2018). Securitization of Multiculturalism and Immigration: Case of the UK. Thesis (M.A.), Eastern Mediterranean University, Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, Dept. of International Relations, Famagusta: North Cyprus. en_US
dc.description Master of Arts in International Relations. Thesis (M.A.)--Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Business and Economics, Dept. of International Relations, 2018. Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Berna Numan. en_US
dc.description.abstract This research explores securitization of multiculturalism and immigration in the context of the United Kingdom with a view to compare the stance of the two major parties, namely the Conservative Party and the Labour Party. This was done through a Corpus Analysis of the speeches of party leaders in the period between 2000 and 2017. The research shows that there are clear patterns that distinguish the attitude of the two major parties from each other about multiculturalism and immigration. While the Labour Party has rarely tried to securitize immigration and multicultural policies, the Conservative Party has been keener to do so, and has indeed made such an attempt that led to a hostile environment toward immigrants living in the UK. The research contributes to the literature on multiculturalism and identifies securitizing patterns in the discourse of the party leaders in the UK. This thesis also contributes to the literature on immigration and integration by exposing the patterns used by these politicians. In this sense, the research shows how politics of fear, especially in the discourse of the Conservative Party, plays a major role in anti-immigrant, anti-multiculturalism policies. This probability of threats leads to the public‘s tendency to accept assimilationist policies without proper fact checking in relation to the suggested threats, which reflect departure from pre-existing democratic values in Britain. Keywords: immigration, integration, multiculturalism, securitization theory, the UK, Conservative Party, Labour Party en_US
dc.description.abstract ÖZ: u ara tırma irle ik Kırallık‘taki en önemli iki büyük parti olan i Partisi ve Muhafazakar Parti‘nin okkültürlülük ve gö menler ile ilgili duru unu güvenlik konusu haline getirme veya bir ba ka adıyla ‗güvenlikle tirme‘ a ısından ke fetmeyi ama lamaktadır. Ara tırma, parti liderlerinin - 7 yılları arasında kamusal alanda yaptıkları konu maları Corpus analizi yaparak incelenmi tir Ara tırma sonu ları iki parti arasında okkültürlülük ve gö konularında belirgin farklılıkların olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır i Partisi okkültürlülük ve gö menler konusunu güvenlikle tirmeye ok ender yeltenmi ancak Muhafazakar Parti bu konuda daha istekli davranmı ve son dönemlerde attığı bazı adımlar gö menlere ile ik Krallık‘ta ‗dü manca bir evre‘ yaratılmasına yol a mı tır Ara tırma okkültürlülük konusundaki alanyazına katkılarda bulunma amacına ula maya alı mı ve parti liderlerinin söylemlerini inceleyerek söylemlerindeki güvenlikle rirme kalıplarını ortaya ıkarmı tır u tez ayrıca gö ve entegrasyon konusundaki alanyazına siyaset ilerin kullandığı kalıpları gün yüzüne ıkararak katkı kaymaktadır Ara tırmada ‗korku politikası‘ üzerinden özellikle Muhafazakar Parti‘ye ait söylemlerin okkültürlülük ve gö men kar ıtı politikaları nasıl desteklediği gösterilmi ve bu irle ik Krallık‘ta yerle ik demokratik değerlerden nasıl uzakla ıldığını yansıtmaktadır Anahtar Kelimeler: gö , entegrasyon, okkültürlülük, güvenlikle tirme kuramı, Birle ik Kırallık, Muhafazakar Parti, i Partisi en_US
dc.language.iso eng en_US
dc.publisher Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) - Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi (DAÜ) en_US
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess en_US
dc.subject International Relations en_US
dc.subject National security--United Kingdom en_US
dc.subject Immigrants--Government policy en_US
dc.subject Refugees--Government policy en_US
dc.subject Emigration and immigration--Social aspects en_US
dc.subject Refugees--United Kingdom en_US
dc.subject Emigration and immigration en_US
dc.subject Immigration en_US
dc.subject integration en_US
dc.subject multiculturalism en_US
dc.subject securitization theory en_US
dc.subject the UK en_US
dc.subject Conservative Party en_US
dc.subject Labour Party en_US
dc.title Securitization of Multiculturalism and Immigration: Case of the UK en_US
dc.type masterThesis en_US
dc.contributor.department Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Business and Economics, Dept. of International Relations en_US

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