TD – Dergi Mak.: Yayıncı & Son-Baskı Yazar Versiyonları – Türk Dili ve Edeb. / Journal Articles


TD – Dergi Mak.: Yayıncı & Son-Baskı Yazar Versiyonları – Türk Dili ve Edeb. / Journal Articles


Bu Koleksiyon DAÜ Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü tarafından oluşturulmuş ve sürdürülmektedir. (This Collection is maintained and organized by the EMU Department of Turkish Language and Literature.) This collection contains; publisher versions and post-print author versions of journal articles. Publisher Versions: Publisher versions are published articles as they appear in the published journals, after copyedited and formatted by the publishers. (final published versions of the articles). Post-Print Author Versions: Author versions are the final author manuscripts of articles which are accepted for publications, after peer-review process (Final draft, author’s copy).


This collection contains; publisher versions and post-print author versions of journal articles. Publisher Versions: Publisher versions are published articles as they appear in the published journals, after copyedited and formatted by the publishers. (final published versions of the articles). Post-Print Author Versions: Author versions are the final author manuscripts of articles which are accepted for publications, after peer-review process (Final draft, author’s copy).

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